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Knowledg3xchange: Improvement of nursing dialogue between practice, education and science
We are doing a research project with a difficult name. Do not let that scare you. The project is called:
“Knowledg3xchange: Improvement of nursing dialogue between practice, education and science.”
This means that people share their knowledge about nursing. That is why we also call it: Nursing-Knowledge.
The research team brings people together. They do different things in nursing: Some work in nursing. For example, they are nurses or elderly care workers. Some are still learning these jobs. And some are researchers. All of them will meet and talk to each other.
They want to make nursing work better for everyone. They also talk about people using different languages.
There will be three meetings in Poland and three meetings in Austria. Nurses, trainees, and researchers take part in the meetings.
The project team sends the results to politicians.

Every research project has a long number called a “grant number.” This project’s number is: 2023-2-DE02-KA210-VET-000170025.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
There are many difficult situations in nursing. People in nursing need to talk about it to solve problems together.
The Knowledg3xchange project helps workers, researchers, and learners in nursing talk to each other.
In the meetings, we talk to each other about nursing. We talk about language and diversity (this means people from different cultures and with different sexual orientations). This way, people learn more about these topics.
The idea for the project came from another project by FOM University. That project is called “Language & Care.”
FOM University

FOM University is a very large university. About 50,000 people study there. Many people study at FOM while working.
FOM offers more than 50 different study programs. You can study these programs in 34 different places in Germany. For example, you can study Health Management.
FOM also offers digital study programs. You can learn from home on your computer.
FOM also researches important topics, such as health and nursing.
FH Joanneum

FH Joanneum is an Austrian university. It was founded in 1995 in Graz. It has three places. 5,000 people study there.
The university also researches topics which are important for society.
Medical University of Silesia

The Medical University of Silesia is a university in Poland. It has existed since 1948. It is also called SUM for short. About 10,000 people study there.
The university has five different areas of study. There is research on important topics for society, such as health.
Partners of the project:
Regional Office for Age, Care, and Dementia Ruhr (Regionalbüro Alter, Pflege und Demenz Ruhr)
The Regional Office helps people find good care. The Ministry of Labor, Health, and Social Affairs in the German state North Rhine-Westphalia (short: NRW) and the care insurance funds support it.

Health Fund Styria

This is an organization in Austria. There are nine such organizations in the different states of Austria. They take care of people and ensure there is enough money.
State Hospital for Mental Illnesses

The hospital has an important goal. It wants to help people with mental problems. It also wants people to understand mental illnesses better.

The Knowledg3xchange project website was created in plain English to reduce language barriers.
Short link to this website:
Who we are

Yvonne Behrens M.A.
Project leadership
FOM University

Assoz. Prof. (FH) Dr. Frank M. Amort
Lecturer for Public Health & Health Management
FH Joanneum

Prof. Dr. habil. Piotr Romaniuk
Head of Department of Health Policy and Chair of Public Health Policy, Chairman of the University's Board of Health Sciences
Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland