Intellectual Output 1 contains the national competences that are conducive to the management of health regions. The results are based on interviews with experts from the health sector and on literature research. The national competence profiles refer to the following countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Poland and Spain.

» Download IO1 National Competence Profiles

» Results Germany

» Results Austria

» Results Hungary

» Results Poland

» Results Spain

Intellectual Output 2 is a European competence profile. The profile was created based on the national profiles (IO1). It identifies competences, skills and personal qualities that are conducive to regional health network management.

» Attitudes and soft skills

» Regional Health Network Manager Competence and Competency Profile

Intellectual Output 3 is a set of six teaching units which forms an education and further training module for regional health network management, based on IO1 and IO2. The teaching module is created as blended learning for 5ECTS. Access to the module is available at: You will need an access key to register. Please contact

The Com.HeNet textbook about the teaching modules is available » here (PDF).

The module and all materials have been piloted and positively evaluated by teachers and participants.

Intellectual Output 4 describes a possible data management system in regional health networks. It also includes a description of the competences needed to use the data management system. The result is based on the analysis of IO1, IO2 and IO3.

» Download IO4